BSEB 12th Exam 2025: Bihar Board Class 12 exam begins on February 1, check instructions here
BSEB 12th Exam 2025 will begin on February 1, 2025. Check the instructions here.
Bihar School Examination Board will begin BSEB 12th Exam 2025 on February 1, 2025. The examination will be held for 12.92 lakh candidates across the state at 1677 exam centres. The Bihar Board Class 12 exam will conclude on February 15, 2025.

Candidates will be given additional time of 15 minutes in the examination hall to read and understand the question paper, answer sheet, OMR answer sheet etc.
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A total of 1292313 candidates will appear for the examination out of which 641847 girls and 650466 boys.
In Patna district, 75917 candidates will appear for the examination, 37174 girl candidates and 38743 boys, in 85 centres across the district.
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BSEB 12th Exam 2025: Instructions here
All those candidates who will appear for the examination can check the guidelines issued by the Board given below.
1. Candidates who want to appear for the examination must reach the centre one hour before the commencement of the examination. The main gate of the examination center will be closed half an hour before the start of the examination.
2. Due to Section 144 being in effect up to 200 meters of the examination centres, no unauthorized person other than students will enter these examination centres. Instructions have been given to ensure strict compliance.
3. Frisking of all the candidates will be done at two levels, first while entering the examination hall and second by the invigilator in the examination room. Frisking arrangements will be made compulsorily at the gate at the time of entry.
4. Except the Center Superintendent, no candidate, invigilator and other officials/personnel will carry mobile phones in the examination hall.
5. The invigilator will check the candidates' admit cards and match them with the attendance sheet.It will be necessary to match the candidate with the photo attached to the admit card and attendance sheet.
6. CCTV cameras will be installed at exam centre to conduct the examination free of malpractices.
7. Candidates are not allowed to bring/use calculator, mobile phone, Bluetooth, earphones or other electronic gadgets etc. in the examination centre.