By Sakshi Sah
Published Feb 03, 2025

Hindustan Times

Photo Credit: Pexels

6 animals that can live for more than 100 years

Some animals live for over 100 years. Let’s take a look at these incredible creatures.

The Greenland Shark has an amazing lifespan. It can live for up to 400 years, making it one of the longest-living creatures.

The Bowhead Whale is another long-living animal. It can live for over 200 years.

Galápagos Giant Tortoises are renowned for their age, with some living over 170 years.

Red Sea Urchins can live for more than 200 years.

The oldest Koi Fish on record lived to be 226 years old. These colourful fish are known for their long lifespan.

Some clams, like the ocean quahog, can live for more than 100 years.

These animals live long because of their slow metabolism and natural environment.

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